
Vietnamese Language Processing is a major branch of a KC01.01/06-10 national project named Building Basic Resources and Tools for Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing (VLSP). This project involves active research groups from universities and institutes in Vietname and overseas including:

  1. Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (HUS)
    Representative: Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen
  2. Hanoi University of Technology (HUT)
    Representative: Le Thanh Huong
  3. Hochiminh University of Technology (HCMUT)
    Representative: Cao Hoang Tru
  4. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
    Representative: Ho Tu Bao
  5. University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (UET)
    Representative: Nguyen Phuong Thai
  6. University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hochiminh (HCMUS)
    Representative: Ho Bao Quoc
  7. Vietnam Lexicography Center (VietLex)
    Representative: Vu Xuan Luong

(The list is sorted in alphabetical order.)

© The KC01/06-10 project "Building Basic Resources and Tools for Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing" (VLSP)
This project belongs to the National Key Science and Technology Tasks for the 5-Year Period of 2006-2010.
The leader of the "Vietnamese Language Processing" branch: Prof. Ho Tu Bao.
© Please cite "VLSP Project" when you use the information from this website.